Excerpt 1:
Excerpt 2:
Excerpt 3:
The book which you now read is not a book on the practical use of tongues. However, while reading this book it is altogether possible that a person could realize that they have been deceived concerning this highly practical and elementary tool for living the Life of Christ and valuable weapon for combat with the enemy. The “father of lies” is the only one who would benefit from us not knowing how much we can gain from and through this free evidence of the Baptism “in/with” the Holy Ghost for every believer. “…he shall baptize you WITH the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16) and then John so strongly states in chapter 1 verse 33, “…the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.”
Let me remind you that all that God gives is for the purpose of the great harvest of souls about to take place. This end time revival will be a result of the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in believers. Many revivals have taken place around the world, but few people seem to realize the purpose. Some may think God blesses them as a means of feeling good, peace of mind, or just a time of rest or retreat. These are all beneficial and are a part of every great move of God. However, God’s main purpose for sending revivals is for people to encounter Jesus and be saved. All that you will read concerning the gift of the Holy Spirit is not for any other purpose but to support and empower us to join in the harvest for souls. The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Jesus said that believers are to be “the light of the world,” but we cannot be light if we are not on fire. Many believers today rejoice in the light of others but do not have the fire of passion of God within themselves. Their personal fire has gone out. Only the presence of God accompanied by His mighty power will accomplish His eternal purpose in us.
Just exactly what language do you think God speaks? Would it be Hebrew in the Judaic tradition? Could it be Aramaic or Greek in the New Testament tradition? Surely brothers and sisters God speaks King James English. Yes, I am kidding, and if you think Yahweh is a “white-English” speaking God you have to be kidding too. God most certainly under- stands every language, as well as, the intents of the heart. God, also, most certainly has His own language. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His language is not our language. His (spiritu- al) tongue is not our (physical) tongue! “God is a spirit….,” (John 4:24a, KJV) and He would not have a physical tongue at all. God is not white nor does He speak the King James English.